The 5 Secrets of Fearlessly Healthy Women of Faith

Ditch health perfectionism and embrace true self-care, so you can live the purpose-driven life you were created for.

Feed Your Body. Nourish Your Soul.
Fuel Your Purpose.


In this FREE 60-minute training you'll learn how to...

Nourish Your Body,Ā  Mind,Ā andĀ Spirit

We are fed by more than just food. Learn how to nourish your mind, body, and spirit for greater energy and vibrant health. Then use that vibrant health as a tool to pursue your God-given purpose.

Do Less, So You Can
Do More

You can’t “do it all”, and trying to do it all will lead to failure or burnout. Learn how to be strategic about how you spend your time when optimizing your physical health, so you can build your spiritual health.

Pursue Your Higher Purpose

God created you to be more than just a body. Once you're free of the fear and confusion around food, fitness, and self-care, imagine how much time and energy you can redirect to pursuing your purpose!

Free Online Workshop

Our next training starts on









Hi, I'm Laura.

I'm a Jesus-lovin', functional medicine-trained Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RD).

I’m most well known for helping health-conscious Christian women ditch perfectionism and use food and fitness to fuel their bigger God-given purpose.

Unlike other health experts that focus primarily on fixing the body using complicated diets, rigid exercise routines, and excessive supplement protocols, I help women change the way they think and act at a core beliefs level so they can transform their physical, mental, and spiritual health from the inside out.

My coaching programs help women develop what I call a Fed and Fearless™ mindset, where these women are able to approach their health goals from a self-care perspective, and become fearless in their pursuit of a healthy, meaningful life.

And I can't wait to share this truly life changing information with you too!


Are YOU ready to experience true peace and freedom in your health?

You were created for so much more than fear and frustration around food and fitness. Let me show you how you can experience true freedom in your health, and incredible purpose for your life!


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