Are you a woman with an online health business who wants to grow your income and your impact... all while loving the people you serve on a daily basis?

Introducing The 2020
Inner Circle Mastermind
with Laura Schoenfeld, RD

The mastermind for female online health business owners who want to grow their business to $100k and beyond.. while enjoying their work and creating life-changing results for their clients.

Real talk: You can't scale your business to six figures and beyond all by yourself.

But you haven't found a mentor or a community that feels right. You're craving a space that feels like the right combination of heartfelt encouragement and tough love, where every single woman is there to hold you to the standard of your biggest, most exciting goals and dreams.

And girl, I know you've got big goals and big dreams of what your business could look like.

You're at a place where you've proven to yourself that you can show up and do the work. You're committed to helping your clients get life-changing results, and have the degrees and certifications to prove your expertise. You've put in the hours and you really do know your stuff.

You are an ambitious, serious, knowledgable, and passionate health expert who knows she has the potential within her to change the world.

And you are doing the work. (And more work, and more work...)

But what happens when you show up to the world with your best new content, your best motivational Instagram caption, your brand new online coaching program... and all you hear are crickets?

Or when you're slowly building your clientele and receiving rave reviews from the people you work with, and you decide to charge prices that support the kind of high-impact business you imagine for yourself... and suddenly your confidence in signing up new clients is in the toilet?

Or what if you've been following the "help everybody with everything" way of growing a health business, which has gotten you this far, but then you take a risk to pursue your new passion and expertise... and suddenly no one is interested in your services anymore?

Now what? Should you scrap the whole business and go back to your day job? Should you settle for an "average" dietitian or health coach salary (which, PS, is about $51,675 per year)?

Is it time to forget your big dreams of running a multiple 6-figure business that supports you and your family's dream lifestyle, and makes a major impact in the lives of those who you want to serve?

Heck NO!

It's not time to give up. It's time to LEVEL up.

It's time to get the support you need from a mentor who has been through it all and knows how to get you on the fast track to a successful, joy-filled business.

It's time to surround yourself with a community of ambitious women chasing the same goals and dreams that you are.

It's time to get crystal clear on strategy, so you can spend the time doing the work that makes the biggest impact on your business, serves the most number of your ideal clients, and keeps you feeling fulfilled on a daily basis.

Just imagine what could be possible...

  • When you have a mentor with 7+ years of online business experience, both working behind the scenes of a multiple 7-figure business and running her own multiple 6-figure business
  • When you're surrounded by other passionate, ambitious women working to grow their online coaching and consulting business to 6-figures and beyond
  • When you can finally hire an assistant to help you do the busy work that's distracting you from serving your clients at your highest possible level
  • When you can create, launch, and scale a signature program that exponentially grows your ability to impact the clients you are here to serve
  • When you can grow your circle of business "besties" who are there to support you and encourage you, provide feedback on your work, and help connect you with the resources that will allow your business to thrive
  • When you're able to bring in the annual revenue you know you're capable of, all while working the amount that supports your best health and allows you to fill your cup so you can pour into others

Imagine if growing your online business could be joyful and profitable.

Hi, I'm Laura Schoenfeld.

I'm a women's health expert and a registered dietitian (RD) with a passion for helping women fuel their purpose. I absolutely love working with other women from all walks of life to help them create a purpose-filled life that they love.

Part of that mission is to help women who are online business owners drop the hustle and come into alignment with their ideal business goals, so they can work from a sense of ease and abundance, and grow their income and impact with joy.

Unlike other business coaches, I have experience in the health and wellness industry and I've heavily invested in my own online business training and mentorship, to get to a place where I'm now bringing in multiple 6-figures of revenue on an annual basis.

Fun fact: Would you believe that I've invested over $100,000 in my own business development and mentorship over the past 6+ years?

And that's just the financial cost of growing my business. It's taken me hours and hours of testing, learning, experimenting, and lots of failing to get to the place I am today. (Last year I brought in $220,000 of revenue while serving my dreamiest dream clients!)

And after all this, I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty: There's no way I would be where I am today had I not been willing to invest in my growth and to find the mentors who could help me accelerate my business faster than I ever imagined.

The truth is, running an online business can be incredibly isolating. And if you don't have the right systems in place, it can take up nearly every waking minute of your free time... which is a recipe for a major health disaster (I've been there before!) and some serious business burnout.

And after working with hundreds of clients over the years, coaching other RDs to their first $10,000+ months, and supporting my peers in the masterminds I've personally invested in...

I knew I had to use my knowledge and experience to help other women grow their online businesses even faster and easier than I was able to.

That's why I decided to create the mastermind group I wish I had when I was first working on hitting my first $100,000+ year.

And I am so excited to create a space for you to experience joyful, profitable business growth, all while being surrounded and supported by women on the same thrilling journey of entrepreneurship.

Here's what you can expect to receive when you enroll in the mastermind...

Monthly Group Coaching Calls

Once a month, we'll block out 2 hours to come together for a group video masterminding call to discuss your specific business challenges and get strategies and solutions for moving forward.

Monthly Private Mentoring Calls

As a member of the mastermind, you'll receive a private mentoring call with me each month. Stay accountable and on-track throughout the entire year with direct feedback and guidance.  

Unlimited Access To Mentorship

Each member of the Inner Circle Mastermind receives a private Voxer channel to communicate with me throughout our year together. Get quick support for any business question that comes up!

2 In-Person Weekend Retreats

In-person events are an incredible opportunity to clear your head and focus on strategic planning for your business. You'll leave these retreats feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world!

Quarterly Guest Experts

Once a quarter, you'll have a training with a guest expert who's at the top of her field in online business. I'll curate these guests to give you the high-end support you need within your online business.

Private Facebook Community

Throughout all of 2020, you'll have access to a private Facebook group to connect with me and your Mastermind sisters so you stay supported and get feedback between calls.

Alignment and Joy in Your Work

Beyond just crushing your financial goals, you'll discover how to create a joy-filled business that aligns with who you are, how you want to live, and who you love to serve.

Incredible Income And Impact

You were born to change the world, and this mastermind will unlock the next level in your personal development, so you can make more money while serving others at your highest level possible.

Here's What My Inspiring Business Coaching Clients Are Saying...

"Working with Laura, I went from an average of $5-6k in my business revenue a month to $10-15k. But that is incomparable to what she has done to my mindset. I no longer feel like I am drowning from stress and am excited about doing what I love again. She brought life back into my business. And she taught me the importance of boundaries. All I can say is that I have no idea where my business would be without Laura. And as a result, I don't know where my life would be. She brought happiness back into my work by reducing stress and helping me to set appropriate boundaries. She took me to the next level in a way I could not have done alone. Laura is the REAL DEAL. She will understand you without coddling you, push you without pissing you off, and will see the answers in things you can't see your self. She IS the next level for your business and you CAN'T AFFORD to NOT have her as a coach."

Michelle Shapiro, RD
Quiet the Diet

"The best thing that happened to me working with Laura was a boost in my confidence as a dietitian in private practice- she really challenged some of my long-held beliefs and fears around success as an entrepreneur and I can't thank her enough for that. She challenged me to create my first online course as a way to generate some extra income before I take maternity leave. I could not have done this without her."

Cory Levin, RD
The Women's Dietitian

"Before coaching with Laura, I was convinced that I had to follow someone else's template which wouldn't bring me as much joy. Now I feel much more secure in my path as a result of working with Laura. I am assured that I can create a successful business that is as unique as I am, makes me happy, doesn't stress me out - while helping others. Laura has built an empire and she embodies the qualities of a business owner that I want to have!"

Emily Field, RD
Macros Made Easy

Here Are Just Some Of The Ways I Can Support Your Business Growth in 2020

With the group coaching and private mentoring in this Mastermind, you'll have the opportunity to advance many areas of your business that will create the best results, including...

Get More (Amazing) Clients

You should love working with the people you are serving every day. Learn how to master organic and paid traffic to capture the attention of your ideal client, and effectively convert them into a happy customer. Then it's time to wow them with your one-on-one and group coaching services!

Launch and Scale Your Signature Program

One-to-one coaching is wonderful, but there's only so many people you can serve at that capacity before burning out or pricing clients out. Discover the most effective methods for creating, launching, and scaling your one-to-many programs and services. Create the impact you were born to make!

Build a Better Team

As Michael Hyatt says, "If your dream doesn't require a team, your dream's not big enough." One of the biggest factors contributing to my business success has been the ability to delegate and lead a team. Learn how to hire help in a way that allows you to focus on your "genius zone" activities and serve your clients effectively, while freeing up your calendar.

Master Your Technology

Technology can make your work life amazing or miserable... and it's all depending on how you use it (or don't use it!) Learn how to streamline your tech, invest in the tools and services that make the biggest difference in how you serve your customers, and minimize the time spent in front of your screen every day.

Ready for 2020 To Be Your Most Successful Year Yet?

"Laura helped instill confidence in me that I CAN make it as an online nutrition professional. She showed me a ton of tools that I can use to further my business which have all helped take my business to the next level with professional content. I would definitely recommend Laura as a business coach. She has done it herself and has a ton of expertise to share!"

Rachel Benight, RD
Nourished By Rachel

Frequently Asked Questions

Honestly, a mastermind is NOT the place to start if you don't have any business already established. This group is for women who have already started their online (or in person) business and are looking to scale.

The mastermind is a 12 month program beginning in January 2020 and lasting throughout the full year.

If you're waiting to make enough money before you invest in your business growth, you're doing it wrong. It's true!

In fact, I would argue that the main reason you're not making the money you want to make could be because you haven't invested in yourself yet. Whether that's mentorship, hiring a VA, or getting help with your housework, you can't hold on tightly to your money if you expect to be able to bring more in.

That said, I don't want this investment to create a financial burden for you or your family. If your income is the major or sole source of provision for you and your family, I recommend only applying for this mastermind if you are making at least $50,000 per year in revenue (~$4000 per month.)

I believe 100% in personal responsibility. And I know that we ALWAYS make time for the things that are most important to us.

If you're growing a business, you NEED support. And in fact, you will SAVE yourself months, possibly years, of time by tapping into the expertise of the group and mentors (both myself and our guest experts). If you feel short on time now, you are exactly the woman who will benefit from this program. 

While I love a good one-on-one coaching session (that's why they're included with your enrollment!) there's real magic that can happen when you're surrounded by other women on the same journey as you. Magic that I can't recreate without cultivating an incredible group of badass business owners just like you.

And if you've never been in a small group mastermind or group coaching program where you got to make deeper relationships with your fellow mentees, then this is the perfect next step for you to grow your business.

The combination of private and group coaching and masterminding is the ultimate combination of support and I'm so excited to make this opportunity available to you.

I know that investing in your business can be a big decision. And I also know that unless you are 100% committed to the process, you will not see results.  I will not support you in being half-in and half-out of your business. For that reason, I do not offer refunds once you enroll in the Inner Circle Mastermind.


50% Complete

Two Step

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